Invisible Basic
Share your spreadsheets. Not your source code.

Now with "explicit invisibility" to automatically prevent scrambling of external names!

Invisible Basic is an Excel Add-in that replaces the VBA code within an Excel Workbook with obfuscated (very hard to understand) but functionally equivalent code. Simply "Save Invisibly" to share your Excel solutions...without sharing their source code.

Isn't Excel's password protection enough? As award-winning Excel author John Walkenbach has observed, the existence of web-based Excel "password recovery" services implies that the answer is NO. With only the unreadable (but functionally equivalent) code produced by Invisible Basic to go by, your competition will need a lot more than a "small service fee" to figure out what you are up to.

o Download Now
A tiny 130KB download, this pure Excel/VBA Add-in (invisiblebasic.xla) has no DLLs or COM components to mess up your system.
o User's Guide and Release Notes
There are only three directives (#begin_visible, #end_visible, #visible) to learn, but you do need to read the User's Guide to learn them.
o Report a Bug, Request a Feature
Share what you've learned to help improve the product for everyone.
o Browse the source code.
Everything's in a single, simple, module, invisiblebasic.bas. Unobfuscated, of course.

Ever wonder what Invisible Basic looks like after passing through itself ? It's not pretty, but it does run our test script successfully. If Invisible Basic were a proprietary product, this is all you'd be able to see. Logo